Nicole Watson
Nicole is a graduate of the University of Western Ontario (BSc,1993), University of Guelph (HBSc, 1994) and McMaster University (BHSc (PT), 1997). Since graduating 27 years ago, Nicole expanded her orthopedic knowledge and skill set by completing the CPA Orthopedic Division Manual Therapy courses, Levels 1-5 and many other special interest courses. She completed her Pelvic Health courses, Levels 1-3 and has been treating pelvic health patients over the last 25 years. She has taken many courses through Pelvic Health Solutions related to incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic pain, pregnancy, bowel dysfunction and low back/pelvic girdle pain.
Nicole has been the clinical leader for Eramosa Physiotherapy Associate’s Pelvic Health Program for the last 13 years and is responsible for mentoring other EPA pelvic health physiotherapists, supervising physiotherapy residents and leading clinical rounds. Recently in April 2024, Nicole received The Canadian Physiotherapy Mentorship Award for her dedication to her role. She is excited to join PHS in a lab assistant role.
Other Members

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Kjersti Malinsky

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Alex Hiatt

Luba Khakham

Katie Hauck

Bella Levi

Sandra Ghaly

Olivia Drodge

Nicole Schmitt

Tesca Andrew-Wasylik

Rosie Mahendran

Melissa Wong

Diane Rizzardo

Kelsey Drew

Lori Ross

Sogand Hariri

Kristal Conrad-Hazelwood

Quelen Farias

Nicole Coffey

Alana Devlin

Miral Patel

Sheree Palmer

Lee Macauley

Lacey Forsyth

Jessica Adaszynski
Nelly Faghani

Jodie Pulsifer

Dr. Sinéad Dufour

Lauren Campbell

Jessica Nargi

Sheela Zelmer

Marie-Josée Forget

Beth Safarian

Megan Sawatsky

Beth Kroetsch

Jenny Telfer-Crum

Joanne Tishenko

Trish Brunelle

Celeste Bouffard

Susannah Britnell

Ashley Steckle-Klunder

Claire Harris

Karen San Andres

Amanda Homen

Sarah Marshall

Jill Mueller

Cara McDougall

Céleste Corkery

Corinne Langford

Renee Quiring

Kate McCormick

Ana Whelan

Keri Martin Vrbanac

Kelsie McGee

Angelique Montano-Bresolin

Kathy Ng

Michelle Vanderpol

Sarah Jones

Deborah Pockett