Marie-Josée Forget Assistant Instructor

Marie-Josée Forget

Instructor / Lab Assistant

Marie-Josée F. Forget, PTA graduate of the University of Ottawa’s Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy program (1995), MJ began her post-graduate studies in pelvic health in 1997. Born and raised in Sudbury, MJ recognized the importance of offering this much needed service in Northern Ontario. She is a pioneer in this field and was the first physiotherapist to offer pelvic health services in Northern Ontario. She is fully bilingual and treats pelvic health issues for all genders. MJ began to teach with Pelvic Health Solutions as an associate instructor in 2011 and truly enjoys giving back to her profession. She is involved in mentoring clinicians and medical students from the Northern Ontario School of Medicine and provides continuing education for physicians, nurse practitioners and other allied health professionals. MJ has been invited to speak at many conferences, workshops, and symposiums on the topic of pelvic health. She regularly attends international conferences and takes pride in keeping herself up to date on current pelvic health research. MJ has co-authored two published research papers looking at the association between lumbopelvic pain and pelvic floor dysfunction and predictors of pelvic floor muscle dysfunction among women with lumbopelvic pain. MJ has authored a article on how to set up a trauma sensitive practice in pelvic health for the Canadian Physiotherapy Association Pain Science Division intitled “Une pratique sensible pour la physiothérapie en santé pelvienne

MJ has been drawing anatomy images since her university days and has developed an anatomical model of the pelvic floor muscles which is sold internationally to health professionals. You can find her models on MJ is a member of International Continence Society, International Pelvic Pain Society, International Urogynecological Association, and the Women’s Health Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association.

Contact MJ at:

Symetrics – The Institute for Integrated Physical Rehabilitation                                          

510 Main St. East, North Bay, ON, P1B 1B8.

Ph: 705-497-1975


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