Pelvic health has improved my life. I was referred by another physiotherapist who felt the cause of my pain was coming from my pelvis. After 8 treatments I was able to walk in a much more natural way. She released my hip and freed up normal movement. My friend told me later I had waddled before the treatments. My rock climbing improved almost effortlessly.
I was uncomfortable at first with internal assessments and treatments, but I soon became comfortable with the process. Everything is explained in detail, and we moved at my pace and within my comfort level. Other health problems have resolved as a result including constipation, menstrual cramps, tail bone pain, and improvement of my overall pelvic floor function (sex is far more comfortable). I highly recommend pelvic health physiotherapy.
I was uncomfortable at first with internal assessments and treatments, but I soon became comfortable with the process. Everything is explained in detail, and we moved at my pace and within my comfort level. Other health problems have resolved as a result including constipation, menstrual cramps, tail bone pain, and improvement of my overall pelvic floor function (sex is far more comfortable). I highly recommend pelvic health physiotherapy.
Over two years ago, I was referred to a pelvic health physiotherapist after coccyx removal surgery. As a result of the surgery, unable to sit, unable to work and in severe pain, I had no life. Initially, I was skeptical of yet another treatment.
After following my physiotherapist’s protocol of specific exercises, she also guided me through a thorough understanding of my pain system initially with videos and books, using humour and empathy to guide my understanding. Guided imagery exercises became a big part of my treatment plan in order to retain my brain to allow me to sit again.
When I really followed her directions, improvement was almost magical. Slowly I progressed, leading me to a better life. As soon as I felt a slight improvement, I understood even further her program, which gave me determination to persevere and to get well. I was extremely compliant with her suggestions which was an important part of becoming well again. To this day, the words of her teachings still come to me, keep me on track, and out of pain. I no longer have to do the exercises every day; however, I have become diligent about evoking the relaxation response by using meditation, Qi Gong or yoga every day. This keeps me on track and gives me the buffer in my nervous system that I need in order to stay healthy. I am so thankful for my pelvic health physiotherapists teachings, and as a result, am able to exercise, to work, and once again enjoy the pleasures of life
After following my physiotherapist’s protocol of specific exercises, she also guided me through a thorough understanding of my pain system initially with videos and books, using humour and empathy to guide my understanding. Guided imagery exercises became a big part of my treatment plan in order to retain my brain to allow me to sit again.
When I really followed her directions, improvement was almost magical. Slowly I progressed, leading me to a better life. As soon as I felt a slight improvement, I understood even further her program, which gave me determination to persevere and to get well. I was extremely compliant with her suggestions which was an important part of becoming well again. To this day, the words of her teachings still come to me, keep me on track, and out of pain. I no longer have to do the exercises every day; however, I have become diligent about evoking the relaxation response by using meditation, Qi Gong or yoga every day. This keeps me on track and gives me the buffer in my nervous system that I need in order to stay healthy. I am so thankful for my pelvic health physiotherapists teachings, and as a result, am able to exercise, to work, and once again enjoy the pleasures of life
I required reconstructive surgery after a difficult pregnancy that severely damaged my pelvic floor. The care that I received from the pelvic health physiotherapist that I saw helped to prepare me mentally and physically for surgery, and assisted tremendously with my recovery. The combined approach of strength training exercises and pelvic floor treatments helped me to regain strength and confidence, and enabled me to return my normal life.
As a result of my experience, I believe that pelvic health physiotherapy should be an essential part of every woman’s post-partum recovery. She was a wonderful support and I am grateful to have had her assistance, which greatly assisted me throughout.
As a result of my experience, I believe that pelvic health physiotherapy should be an essential part of every woman’s post-partum recovery. She was a wonderful support and I am grateful to have had her assistance, which greatly assisted me throughout.
My name is Kathy and I have had severe Pelvic Pain since I was 38 years old. I was fortunate enough to meet my pelvic health physiotherapist when she came to speak to a support group I had co-founded for people with Chronic Pelvic Pain and Interstitial Cystitis. Up to that point in my life I had suffered incessant untenable pain every single day. I could no longer work, or be the Wife and Mother I wanted to be.
Life, as I lived it, was struggling through long days and longer nights, often with only an hour of exhausted sleep at any one time. I had tried all of the traditional avenues of diagnosis and treatment for my pelvic pain. Most of these treatments, upon further reflection, were totally unnecessary, and in some cases involved major surgery, to no avail. I recall listening to my pelvic health physiotherapist talk at our meeting, and for the first time in 14 years, it all made perfect sense. I made an appointment right away.
The treatment process was explained to me in great detail and at each step along the way, I was educated about what was going on in my body and my nervous system. No question went unanswered. Personally, I felt safe and validated for the first time and this safety went a long way to healing my damaged psyche. Those of us who have been seeking help for many years can be left in a very fragile state of mind, as well as in constant pain. The pain is physical as well as emotional, and unless you have been there, you probably cannot fully understand this difficult journey. That is where my pelvic health physiotherapist’s intellect and empathy came into play. Treating the whole person, in my humble opinion as a retired nurse, will always result in a better outcome for the patient.
Life, as I lived it, was struggling through long days and longer nights, often with only an hour of exhausted sleep at any one time. I had tried all of the traditional avenues of diagnosis and treatment for my pelvic pain. Most of these treatments, upon further reflection, were totally unnecessary, and in some cases involved major surgery, to no avail. I recall listening to my pelvic health physiotherapist talk at our meeting, and for the first time in 14 years, it all made perfect sense. I made an appointment right away.
The treatment process was explained to me in great detail and at each step along the way, I was educated about what was going on in my body and my nervous system. No question went unanswered. Personally, I felt safe and validated for the first time and this safety went a long way to healing my damaged psyche. Those of us who have been seeking help for many years can be left in a very fragile state of mind, as well as in constant pain. The pain is physical as well as emotional, and unless you have been there, you probably cannot fully understand this difficult journey. That is where my pelvic health physiotherapist’s intellect and empathy came into play. Treating the whole person, in my humble opinion as a retired nurse, will always result in a better outcome for the patient.
I tried everything: 8 different specialists (urologists, gynecologists, uro-gynecologists), chinese medicine, sending a urine sample to the USA for analysis, long-term antibiotics, laproscopic surgery, and more. I heard many different diagnoses from interstitial cystitis to “its in your head”. I couldn’t sleep for more than an hour at a time because my bladder pain would wake me up. I was in a very, very dark place and felt hopeless.
I had been suffering from pelvic pain for about two years when I found my pelvic health physiotherapist. It’s hard to put into words how thankful I feel for her and the work that she, and others, do in pelvic health. It gave me my life back. She treated my physical symptoms, while also helping me understand the emotional and mental connection to my physical pain. The physiotherapy treated the underlying cause of my symptoms, so that I am pain- and disorder-free.
I had been suffering from pelvic pain for about two years when I found my pelvic health physiotherapist. It’s hard to put into words how thankful I feel for her and the work that she, and others, do in pelvic health. It gave me my life back. She treated my physical symptoms, while also helping me understand the emotional and mental connection to my physical pain. The physiotherapy treated the underlying cause of my symptoms, so that I am pain- and disorder-free.
My problem started 15 years ago at the age 35 with an annoying pain in the pelvic area. After numerous visits to my family doctor and assessments from different Urologists, the diagnosis changed from Prostatitis to Chronic Prostatitis to Interstitial Cystitis. Along the way, continuous courses of antibiotics were prescribed with no relief of this unbearable condition. That is until a support group member suggested I contact a pelvic health physiotherapist. After a fairly lengthy multiple choice questionnaire and an initial consultation which included a digital rectal exam, my pelvic health physiotherapist set in place a schedule at her clinic along with at home exercises.
After many years of frustrating flare ups in-between short periods of remission I finally had a plan to control, if not eliminate, an issue that was destroying my life. If you have experienced pelvic pain that never seems to clear up, I highly recommend that you learn more about pelvic health physiotherapy at Look for a qualified physiotherapist close to you to assess whether your pain may be stemming from a complex muscle problem in the pelvis and pelvic floor.
After many years of frustrating flare ups in-between short periods of remission I finally had a plan to control, if not eliminate, an issue that was destroying my life. If you have experienced pelvic pain that never seems to clear up, I highly recommend that you learn more about pelvic health physiotherapy at Look for a qualified physiotherapist close to you to assess whether your pain may be stemming from a complex muscle problem in the pelvis and pelvic floor.