Michelle Fraser
Fraser Pelvic Health
  • Business Name : Fraser Pelvic Health
Courses Completed Through Pelvic Health Solutions

8th Pelvic Health Solutions Symposium - 2021
10th Pelvic Health Solutions Symposium - 2023
CBT Immersion Program – 2016
Cesarean Birth: The Role of Physiotherapy in Preparation & Recovery - Jaclyn Seebach - 2021
Clinical Update: SUI & POP Research and Management Review - 2024
Dermoneuromodulation – Diane Jacobs – 2018
Gastrointestinal Disorders & The Pelvic Floor – 2014
Labour & Delivery: Maternal Support through Comfort Measures and Pelvic Biomechanics – Trish Brunelle - 2020
Level 1: The Physiotherapy Approach to Female and Male Urinary Incontinence – 2013
Level 2: The Physiotherapy Approach to Female and Male Pelvic Pain – 2013
Level 3: Clinical Skills For Treating Pain – 2013
Menopause: An Integrative Approach for Physiotherapists – Michelle Lyons – 2018
Mobilization of Visceral Fascia: Urinary System – Ramona Horton – 2017
Non-Internal Introductory Pelvic Floor Course – 2015
Pelvic Girdle Pain & The Pelvic Floor – 2013
Pregnancy & The Pelvic Floor – 2013
Sexual Health and Pelvic Pain – Navigating Care for Cisgender Men - Susie Gronski - 2020
The Psoas Muscle and The Pelvic Floor – Susan Clinton - 2016
Trauma & the Pelvic Floor – Lisa Aldworth – 2016
Vulvar Health: Changes and Conditions Throughout the Lifespan - Kathryn Flanigan - 2024

Courses Completed Through Other Companies




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